How to engage teens in family activities

Life Ed Classes
Ages 11 - 18 and up

Empowered Success for Teens

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How to engage teens in family activities
Written By: Olivia LePage ~ 1/11/2024


Engaging teenagers in family activities can be a challenging task, but it is an essential part of building a strong and healthy family bond. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for parents to help engage teens in family activities. We will also provide some fun family activity ideas that you can try with them.

First, compromise: It is important to compromise with your teens when planning family activities. Give them no more than two options to choose from, so they feel like they have a say in the decision-making process. This will help them feel more invested in the activity and more likely to participate.

Second, communication: Speak to your teens about the consequences and benefits of being involved in family activities. For example, you can explain that they may not have another chance to be part of this activity due to the season changing, or that their presence is important to you. This will help them understand why family activities are important and encourage them to participate.

Lastly, taking turns: Parents can take turns coming up with family activities. This will help ensure that everyone has a chance to participate in activities that interest them. If weekly activities are too overwhelming at first, start with a once-per-month activity.

Wink Note 😉: Remember to keep it fun. They’ll want to do it again.

If you are short on ideas, here are some fun family activities that you can try with your teens:

  1. Cooking: Cooking together is a great way to bond with your teens. This can go from shopping together, where you let them choose the ingredients, to cooking with whatever is in the fridge. You can also turn this into a competition. Make it fun.

  2. Movie night: Pick a movie that everyone will enjoy and make some popcorn. You can even make it a themed movie night by choosing a movie that relates to a holiday or special event.

  3. Game night: Board games or card games are a great way to spend time together as a family. You can even make it a tournament and keep score throughout the night.

  4. Outdoor activities: Go for a hike, bike ride, or play a game of basketball together. Outdoor activities are a great way to get some exercise and fresh air while spending time together.

  5. Volunteering together: Take turns choosing the organization you wish to volunteer for. Doing it together will solidify the importance of being part of a community to your teen. Plus, it helps us as individuals gain new perspectives and build gratitude,

Remember, the goal is to create a supportive and encouraging environment for your teens. By engaging them in family activities, you are helping to build a strong and healthy family bond that will last a lifetime. I hope these tips help you in your journey of engaging your teens in family activities! 😊

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2. Buffer: Buffer provides a list of 39 blogging tools to help you work faster and write better.
3. The Write Life: This website lists the 100 best websites for writers in 2021.
4. ThemeIsle: This website provides a list of the 10 best free blogging sites in 2023, where you can start a blog for free.

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