Decoding Teen Slang: ~A Guide for the Perplexed Parent

Life Ed Classes
Ages 11 - 18 and up

Empowered Success for Teens

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Decoding Teen Slang: ~A Guide for the Perplexed Parent
Written By: Olivia LePage ~ 11/30/2023


If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head over your teen’s texts, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Teen slang can seem like a foreign language but fear not! This guide is here to help you navigate the choppy waters of teen lingo. So, buckle up, and let’s dive in!

The Lingo Lowdown
Teenagers have always had their own language. It’s a way for them to carve out their identity, connect with peers, and assert their independence. With the advent of social media and texting, this secret language has evolved at warp speed, leaving many parents in the dust. Here are some of the terms being used today:

  • Aesthetic” Refers to a particular style or vibe a teen identifies with. It could relate to fashion, music taste, or even bedroom décor.

  • Amirite”: A mashup abbreviation of “Am I right?” used to emphasize something that is agreed on.

  • Bestie”: While used to refer to a best friend, Gen Z tends to use this more loosely to address anyone.

  • Bih”: Be careful with this one. It’s a term of endearment among friends, but it can also be an insult.

  • Bop”: A good song or beat.

  • Boujee”: A shortened version of the French word bourgeoisie, used to refer to something high-class, fancy, or expensive.

Code Red: Drug References
Now, let’s talk about a more serious topic. Some slang terms can be code words for drug use. Here are a few you should be aware of:
“Aunti”, “Big O”, “Black”, “Black Russian” (mixed with hashish), “Chandoo”, “China”, “Chinese Molasses”, “Chinese Tobacco”, “Chocolate”, “Cruz”, “Dopium”, “Dover’s Powder”, “Dream Gum”, “Dream Stick”, “Dreams”, “Easing Powder”, “God’s Medicine”, “Goma”, “Gondola”, “Goric”, “Great Tobacco”, “Gum”, “Hocus”, “Hops”, “Incense”, “Joy Plant”, “Midnight Oil”, “Opio”, “Pen Yan”, “Pin Gon”, “Pin Yen”, “Pox”, “Skee”, “Toxy”, “Toys”, “When-Shee”, "Zero".

Code Blue: Parents Watching
Teens also have codes to alert each other when parents are around. Here are some examples:

  • 99”: Indicates that “parents are gone”, and now nobody is watching their conversation.

  • CD9” or “9”: Code word used for "parents are present near".

  • PAW”: Parents are watching.

  • PIR”: Parents in the room.

Wink Note: 😉 Most teen slang is harmless and a normal part of growing up. It’s generational. However, it’s important to stay informed so you can spot any red flags. Open communication with your teen is key. Don’t be afraid to ask them about the words they use and what they mean. After all, staying connected is what matters most. Happy decoding! 😊

Source: The Newest Teen Slang Trends of 2023 - FamilyEducation

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